Sunday 25 October 2015

Keep on Running

It was lovely to have an extra hour in bed and before the family left we went for a coffee, then down to he recreation ground to see the runners come to the staging post where there were refreshments for those who weren't watching the clock. Those who were, just sped through.. There was a festive air with a local banda providing the music. So, then it was time for the family to take the road on their way North; I took the road to the bar for another coffee this time with Maggie. Met up with Nany, Jacques, Lisa and Yaneth; the latter. while we continued chatting Jacques went off to prepare lunch to which I was invited.
Came home for an afternoon in front of the tv and computer screens. Worked on the association's website and caught up with an overflowing inbox.
19°, sunshine, cloud later on.

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