Tuesday 6 October 2015

Shopping Trip

At last, Ann and Noel were going to get out of the village. We were off to Figueres. Started off with a coffee in the sun, bought some plants in the market and then some clothes shopping on the way to lunch at the "Ous d'or" (the Golden Egg) where you'll know that I've been a few times before. It was pleasant sitting out in the conservatory. Noel and ann were very patient while I zoomed around Zara. By the end of it all, dark clouds were menacing and by the time we reached the border, we had to stop the car until the torrential rain eased off.
None of us was interested in food as we'd eaten well at lunch time. I really am having an easy time with my guests. finished off the day with a short time at the bar listening to the guitarists that had turned up.
23°, sun and very heavy rain

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