Saturday 17 October 2015

Short and Sweet

All too soon it was time for Colin and Sheila to leave; theywere on the road by 10h30 to get their flight so I took the bus to the supermarket where I met Martine who gave me a lift back. Spent the afternoon on the computer catching up with association stuff and the evening watching tv.
18°, feeling cool 

Coffee in the bar, well those of you who know me, will be aware that I'm a creature of habit, before setting off for Sant Martí. Started with lunchas it was after 2pm and had to wear hats and keep under the parasol while we ate. Had a pleasant meal at "La Terrassa" in the picturesque square. Thought this link might be more interesting than the usual Tripadvisor one (there is one by the way).
A good walk along the prom followed and a stop in the restaurant opposite on the way bacm for a tea and a pee!
Made it back to the village with just enough time to freshen up and get over to the exhibition room for a vernissage. As it was the local art group, it was well attended and as the apéritif was augmented by the members, it meant that we didn't need to worry about supper. Lingered chatting for quite a while and then went next door to the bar where we supped wine and danced until late.
18°, warm sunshine, clouding over late afternoon

No language exchange this morning as there was a treasure hunt instead. We didn't do the hunt as Colin and Sheila had a lie in and we went for a coffee instead. Did join the treasurer hunters for the meal,  a delicious couscous and other North African delights. Dessert of Apple Crumble was decidedly British. Not sure why Trudi is so pleased with herself but it was obviously something athat amused Colin and Sheila.
 Had invited Jean-Jacques for an apéritif but he wasn't well and didn't come.
17°, sunshine

Spent the day getting ready for Colin and Sheila's visit. They arrived at the end of the afternoon so there was supper, chat and then bed.
17°, damp and feeling cooler

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