Saturday 31 October 2015

Paris comes South

Off to the market with Michel and for once, didn't meet anyone with whom to have a drink but the sun was shining and there was music to liven the atmosphere of the town's Autumn Fair. This afternoon watched a bit of tv, made a cake and some soup, gave sweets to kids who came to the door for Halloween. Here you hand over goodies and all you get in return is a "merci" and a smile. Had to laugh though at 3 older kids who arrived with beanie hats on with "obey" written on the front; when I explained what it meant in French, in one fell swoop, perfectly synchronised, they whipped the hats off their heads! It was so funny.
Dinner chez Jean-Jacques where I tucked into Spag Bol along with Pierre and Andrée and so October moved into November ......
20°, sun and blue skies

The kids left at 7am to get back to Paris in one go so, the house is quiet for quite some time to come.The soft top went too as Frank will try to sell it in Paris; even if it is heading into winter, he feels he'll get a better price for it there. It's strange to see the garage empty.
Still, there was no time to feel lonely as I was invited to Jacques along with Michel and Jean-Jacques for lunch.
Computer and tv in the afternoon and  the First Téléthon event of 2015 in the village hall. An am-dram group put on a play about the "Retirada" and there was a bar nice things to eat to help swell the funds. It was good though sadly there weren't any of the other local Brits in sight. Came home, fought and lost  with "itunes" which for some reason won't accept my password. Finally got to bed at 315am and still no sign of a solution

There were a load of us in the bar to meet up with the language exchangers; there was, the family, Jean-Jacques, Annie, and Martine. Only stayed for a drink before having lunch at home. Spent the afternoon preparing for our neighbourhood get-together. I made a "Calypso Lentil Soup" while Stéphnie and the girls made chocolate brownies and a pepper and anchovy tart. Luckily the weather was good and standing around the roasting chestnuts, it wasn't at all cold. I came away early and went to bed as I was feeling done in. Straight to sleep without even hearing the others come in.
21°, sun and light cloud

Frank treated us to lunch and a good bottle of wine at the restaurant and while we were there, a local hunter drove up with this wee fella on the back. Hope you're not sqeamish because you could get a pal of his served up one day when you're here!  
After a quick turn around at home, Frank and I went to see the lawyer to sign the succession papers and then joined Stéphanie and the girls for a hot chocolate. It was that kind of weather.
Had dinner at home and watched "The Angels' Share". Still, good second time around and it was nice to go to bed on, unusually for Ken Loach, a feel good factor.
21°, sunny morning, heavy rain in the afternoon

While the family went off and did their thing, I went down to Argelès with Ann and Terry. Tried "Le Regal" for lunch which had had  good reviews. They didn't say that it was on a 'zone d'activité" and that it didn't have any character. On the plus side the meal was tasty and good value.
Went into the town for a coffee but being Monday, most of the shops were closed. Anyway, we found a tearoom for a cuppa but resisted the cakes. Ann did however succumb to buying chocolate for which she paid an eye-watering price.
With the sun shining, it was a pleasant afernoon for a stroll along the prom. Terry fell over while taking this photo and dropped the camera in the sand. One little grain jammed it but fortunately, I managed to remove it so, potential  problem solved.
In the evening there was the AGM of a cancer association of which I'm a supporting member. Apart from the committee, (and they weren't all there), I was the only member present. The association was wound up for lack of interest. Now there's a surprise, I don't think. The President is a "swanner around" who like's the glory and gets others to do the work. She did organise an apéritif and cakes (from her son-in-law's [reknowned] bakery). Called into the bar for a glass of wine with the family before going home for a dinner.
20°, sun, light clouds and moderate wind.

The beds were no sooner empty and the sheets washed and dried than the next family arrived, this time from Paris. They settled in, we ate in and caught up on our respective news.
18°, cloud and light rain

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