Saturday 10 October 2015

Let them Eat Cake!

Ann and Noel left today and the blog catch up from the 31st August is underway!
My Scottish pals left for the airport about 10am and I toddled off to buy a brioche; you know the stuff that Marie-Antoinette said the French could eat instead of the bread that was in short supply. Once a year  they are being sold in France in aid of a children's charity. Caught up with local news and  stayed on to help sell so that some of the others could go off for a coffee. Think we raised about 400€. The French are not great givers to charity but this is a tradition that they respect at 5€ a go.
Then it was my turn for a coffee at the bar. spent the rest of the day catching up with domestic stuff. Needs must.
23°, sun

Ann and Noël had been told about a restaurant near here by some friends that they'd met in the check-in queue and despite me being a bit lukewarm, they wanted to try it. It was on the way to the opthamologist's where I was going for a check up so that was a point in it's favour. The meal was fine but the large open dining room was empty apart from four others. Christian always liked what he had on his plate but for me it was never enough to make up for the lack of atmosphere. I couldn't say the same for the salon de thé/patisserie where we had tea and creamy cakes in Amélie. The waitress/ shop assisstant was lively and full of chat, giving Noel a hard time for England's lack of success in the rugby.
We had another quiet night in (changed days, eh?) with my guests snoozing in front of he tv.

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