Friday 30 September 2016

Daily Life interspersed with some welcome Culture

30.9.16: Coffee, Carnival and a Concert
Routine stuff continued this morning with work on the computer until it was time to meet Nicole for coffee. A meeting  for next year's carnival this evening and then a concert of Bizet's work in the village hall with Jean-Jacques who had a couple of complimentary tickets. There were of course, pieces from "Carmen" and some from "The Fair Maid of Perth" as well as one or two lesser known pieces; well, to me anyway! Sadly it wasn't that well attended but those of us who were there enjoyed it and a  glass of cava at the interval.
26°, sun

29.9.16: Fully Occupied with Routine
After a full on day yesterday, it was no surprise that I was feeling tired this morning. Had an association committee meeting followed by the language exchange and a glass of wine at the bar in the morning. Came home for lunch, did some admin in the afternoon and attended a Council meeting in the evening. Ah, well, can't have dynamic, interesting days all the time.
27°, sun

28.9.16: Art de Vivre
For once there's no big basket of ironing looking reproachfully at me as Mary had done it however there was no time to catch up with the other things that had been left undone during the time she was here. I was up and out early to meet Ken and Margaret to go to Gerona for an exhibition of Sorolla's work. Give me culture over housework any day.
Apparently big companies in Spain are obliged by law to do something every year on either the heritage or humanitarian front out of their profits. The expo was one bank's "good deed".
The weather was glorious so walking around the old streets was pleasant; once we had a coffee in the Plaça de Indépendencia that is.
Had a rip-off salad on the Ramblas for lunch; yes, yes, we really should have known better but watching the world go by more than made up for what there wasn't on the plate. Christian, had he been there, would have course have held another opinion! Ken and I had the added pleasure later of a very creamy 2 scoop ice cream cone.
Arrived home with just enough time to grab a bottle of wine to go to Jim and Mags for an apéritif. They'd also invited a small handful of other Brits to meet Phil and Liz, friends of theirs who are thinking of buying in France and setting up a cycle holiday business.
Before heading home to bed there was one more visit to be made. Lone and Jesper were inaugurating their newly renovated wine cave and it was "open house".  They'd even invited Christophe who's just set up a micro brewery in the village. Wine, beer, nibbles and plenty of folk to talk to; a good end to a varied day!
26°, sun

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Kindness of Friends

27.9.16: Doing Good Business
While Mary packed, I went to my Spanish group. Wonder if I'll make any progress this year? Met Mary for a coffee afterwards which we followed with a final glass of rosé in the sun before she had to head off to the airport. Ann kindly gave us a lift there which gave us time to have lunch and saved us three buses. Thanks to friends Mary was able to get out and about and have a varied few days which she appreciated all the more so as it had been unexpected.
As it happened Ann and I were meeting for the apérobio with Lynn and Dani so the timing of the airport run couldn't have been better. The bar had been busy at lunch time with a group of 30 British boules players having wine and tapas and then this evening there were 50 Swedes for a meal. Conjours up a silly image, doesn't it? Or is that just  my infantile sense of humour? We were banished to the interior but were glad of it as the temperature dropped. Ours was a much more restrained evening which suited me fine as I was feeling pretty weary. Now there's a whole week before the next visitors arrive.
26°, sun and light cloud

26.9.16: Sea Views
Had a day out with Jean and Françoise and their visitors from Brittany, Anita and Lucien. Started off in Collioure and lingered long over a coffee with the sea gently lapping the shore less than a stone's throw away. Strolled through the narrow streets diving in and out of craft shops catering for the tourist trade and drank in the gorgeous scenery. From there we made a twisty drive on a narrow road to the lighthouse out a Cap Béar where there was more fabulous scenery stretching down the coast. If you're wondering about lunch; you're right, it came next at Banyuls farther down the coast. This is the place where the waiters take their lives as well as their trays in their hands and cross a busy road to serve people on the patios next to the sea.
As there wasn't any possibility of a siesta, the only way to digest our lunch was to walk some more at Paulilles, a conservation area on the site of the old Nobel (he of the prizes fame) dynamite factory. It was the first time that I'd been and was delighted by what I discovered: gardens, walks, an exhibition about the factory, a Catalan boat repair shop and exhibition about deep sea divers who lived, worked and died early on this coast and of course, the sea.
stopped for an apéritif at the bar before heading home for another quiet night in. It was good to have been out and about on what would have been our 25th wedding anniversary.
26°, sun

25.9.16: Thunder, Telly and Tapas
Sunday again, so obviously there was coffee at the bar. Went home for lunch and overdosed on three episodes of "Poldark" as Mary had never watched it. Enjoyed taking it easy and contented ourselves with a tapas supper.
Sun, cloud, rain and thunder which wasn't as bad as had been forecast.

24.9.16: Grumpiness in the Air
Went into the market with Nicole S and met up with Françoise for a coffee, then had an apéritif at another café before deciding to go back to the first café for a salad lunch. Still with me? There we had the most disagreable waitress who was highly stressed and didn't appreciate a joke I made. Even though her her reaction was OTT I apologised (ever one to try and smooth things over me) but she continued to be offhand. We should really have left but didn't though Nicole complained to the boss afterwards. He said that it wasn't the first time; she ovviously needs charm school rather than whatever he's done so far as it obviously hasn't worked.
In the evening the women's group met at the other village bar for a grill on the patio. Lots of hilarity even though little Nicole came an hour late and complained that the non-meat option was finished. Will we ever get to having a sense of harmony within this group? Rounded off the evening with coffee at the bar.
25°, sun 

23.09.16: Catering for the Masses
Worked on the computer for a little while this morning before meeting up with Yasmin to go for a ride. Couldn't go too far with the AGM looming. Drove up to the hermitage St Féreol with its great views through 360°. We and the birds were the only  ones around. From there we continued our circuit through so many cork oaks that it's called "la Route du Liège". Ended up at the lake for a stroll and a bit of lunch. It's such a pleasure when good company, lovely scenery, tasty food and sunshine unite.
The AGM was well attended (over 120 of us) with no difficult questions being asked. Only complaint from one person was that the fidéua (made with vermacelli) had metamorphosed into a paella (same thing but made with rice). It was very good and at 8€pp for apéritif, starter of ham and melon, paella, cheese, dessert and wine, the cook could be forgiven for changing the recipe!
Stopped off at the bar on the way home for a refreshing cuppa as recompense for staying on to clear up.
25°, sunshine and high cloud

Thursday 22 September 2016

Mary's Visit: Off to a Good Start

22.9.16: Putting a Kick into Lunch
Mary slept in again while I went to open up the room for the language exchange. Didn't stay though as I needed to get back to my guest (thank you, Mary). Did a bit of preparation on the Scottish trip for tomorrow's AGM and then we both wandered over to the bar for a coffee and even said "no" to an apéro as we were invited to David and Laura's to talk about the Scottish trip over lunch and to see their new house at the same time. We were joined by Jim and Mags for a delicious curry followed by cheese then prunes in a rich armagnac syrup with vanilla ice cream. Oh, soooo good and it was lovely to hear all those Scottish accents. There are lots of recipes on the internet. Delia also does a wicked chocolate, prune and armagnac cake, pickled prunes in armagnac using lapsan suchong tea while Laura uses liquid cane sugar instead of making a sugar syrup. Mmmm, I've people coming round next week, maybe I'll give it a go.
Once back home, there was hardly time to draw breath before we met up with Jean and Françoise for a trip down to Argelès. An action replay of my birthday treat - walk along the prom to admire the photos, a couple of drinks and tapas overlooking the marina except this time it was for Françoise's birthday not mine. Same as the last twice we were there, the waiter was someone who liked to travel. This one was an older guy who said that he lived for most of the year in the Ivory Coast where he had a hotel and apartments . He also had hotels in Benin and Ghana. Jean went right off him when he said that he'd been in the military. I hadn't much liked him either; it all smacked of latter day colonialism.
Worked at home before finally going to bed at 2am.
26°, sun, clouding over in the evening

21.5.16: Putting a Sparkle into the Evening
While Mary slept on, I plugged myself into my Spanish lessons and did an hour on the treadmill. Once we'd both done our own thing, we went over to the bar for a late coffee which we followed by a late lunch on the terrace at home.
In the evening Colin and Lynn came round. He to help me with the installation of a new photo programme on the computer now that Google have made Picasa obsolete. Lynn and Mary talked "Birmingham" which they both know well. Think I'll be able to get my head around it but no doubt there'll be some frustrating moments.
Mission accomplished, it was time to tuck into the tapas I'd prepared and to sip our way through a couple of bottles of cava. The photo shows just the starter nibbles which I put out to keep Mary and Lynn going if you think it looks a bit sparse. Well, if the more interesting stuff went out before hand, Colin and I might have found ourselves short changed!
26°, sun and cloud

20.5.16: Flights of Fancy
Today was mostly about flights. Nicole S stopped by for us to book hers to Portugal. She wanted to be absolutely sure that she was on the same one as Margaret and myself. All worked well, Ryanair has greatly improved its site. She then headed off to teach her French class and I rather less nobly went off to meet the other Nicole in the café. She left and Nicole S reappeared as arranged, with a prospective new member.
The afternoon passed quietly enough until it was time to meet the other Nicole again to go to the airport to collect Mary. Being offered a lift was such help as public transport to the airport involves 3 buses. Her plane was in a little early but we still had time for a coffee. Once back in the village, we dropped off Mary's bag (20kg for a week!!) at the house and Nicole dropped her car off at hers. Sorry, if you get confused by the various Nicole's. There are 3 in the women's group, at least another 2 in the association and 1 who lives nearby. How I digress. Back to Mary's first evening which was spent over dinner at the bar. The three of us opted for steak and rosé.
Also there were Ros and Charles on holiday from the UK who had been told that if they had any few tourist type questions or problems, I was their woman. They did (fortunately questions not problems) and I was! You'll be relieved to hear that I'm not going to bore you with how they fit into my life.
26°, very light wind

Monday 19 September 2016

3 Days, 3 Meals Out

19.9.16: Sore Feet, 3 New Cardies and a Winter Jacket
Didn't get to sleep until 4am this morning so decided to have an extra hour in bed instead of getting up and pounding the treadmill. I couldn't linger as long as I would have liked though as I had an association committee meeting at 9am to prepare for Friday's AGM.
Straight after that, Pauline and Penny came from the otherside of Perpignan to pick me up for our bi-annual  day's shopping in Figueres. Started at the big shopping mall just over the border where I bought a scarlet cardi and where we had coffee lounging in comfy seats on a sheltered terrace. By the time morning coffee was over, it was time to go in search of lunch which we had on the other side of Figueres. The restaurant has good reviews on Tripadvisor and came recommended by several people from the village. The food was great, well presented and the decor modern. All three of us just loved the taps in the loo with the water gently cascading over a disc into the basin. Sorry, my descriptive powers can't do it justice. Only thing was that the restaurant was quite noisy and the exterior was a housing estate so it didn't tick all the boxes but for a menu at 11€ including wine and water, far be it from me to be churlish.
Fortified, we hit the shops and the three of us came away with several bags as you can see from the photo taken at our last refreshment stop. Arrived home at 9pm, ate a bite of toast and slumped in front of the telly.
26° but feeling cooler in the wind
18.9.16: All a bit Clochemerle
Coffee with Nicole S and Lone was a quieter than usual affair as there was no Mass this morning. The parish is in between priests as the regular one who's been around for a number of years left suddenly. Rumour is that he's had a woman in his life who's just had a second child! Not me to pass comment.
In case you're wondering, the title of this post refers to a book by Gabriel Chevallier about French village life at the beginning of 20th century that was serialised by the Beeb. I was just a chit of a girl a the time but remember it being a hilarious satire on the Church and Politics.
My decision not to eat at the bar soon bit the dust as I didn't want to leave Nicole on her own. Just a main course was enough and even better there was no washing up to do.
23°, sun and strong wind

17.9.16: The Delights of Public Transport
Went to the market on the bus easily enough but not having checked the new timetable for the return journey, I missed the one at 11am (yes, if you remember that's the one I went for a few weeks ago only to find that it was running an hour later). Without me realising, it has reverted to the earlier time. Grrrrrrrrh!  The upshot of this long and tedious story was that there was a good dose of aimless wandering to do. There was almost a bright spot when a Belgian couple invited me to join them for a coffee but the conversation revolved around their dog who had been put down a couple of days ago and a blow by blow account of the woman's shoulder problems. Don't really know why I'm regaling you with such trivia except perhaps to elicit a bit of sympathy!
Learnt later that Nicole P had been there expecting to bump into me as had Lone who got on the wrong bus back and ended up hitching a ride back from a neighbouring village.
The evening was more fun with dinner chez Nicole S along with Anne and Nicole P and what a sunset.
21° feeling chilly in the wind

Friday 16 September 2016

Lunch and Linguistics, Boules and Bureaucracy

16.9.16: Boules at the Ready
The Association organised its first Boules tournament of the season. My trusty camera ever at the ready, I went down to the pitch to get some photos. I gave up on trying to take a group one as people just didn't listen to my far too polite request and kept milling about. Don't know why they were so undisciplined this morning. Jim and Mags said that it was like herding cats. If you're interested, Wikipedia says it's "an idiom denoting a futile attempt to control or organise a class of entities which are uncontrollable or chaotic." I've never come across this expression before but it seems to hit the nail on the head. Retired from the battlefield with my mission only half accomplished to the calm of the bar and a cup of coffee. Nicole P and I then took charge of preparing the apéritif  to revive folk. 23 played, 34 drank and 31 ate the set meal we'd organised at the village bar. And what do you know? There were no complaints! Food was tasty, hot and arrived on the table without much of a wait and even better there was a great ambiance.
25° sunshine and cloud

15.9.16: Men who make Lunch
Thérèse is back which means that she was able to prepare the downstairs bedroom for Mary who arrives next week. As usual, I went off to the language exchange bur rather than sit with participants at the bar, I joined Nicole S and Jacques for an apéritif. Jacques, even though he is on his own, never has an empty fridge and he invited us back for a lunch of stuffed tomatoes and green peppers. Tasty, it was too.
24°, sun but chilly wind

14.9.16: Women who Lunch
I won't bore you after today by saying that I was on the treadmill, just take it as read.
What a day, it was chilly and very wet. My cut and blow dry at the local hairdressers was a bit of a lost cause.
Out for lunch at Maggie's with Annette. Lots of female chat with a G and T and a bottle of rosé to keep the vocal cords lubricated. Lunched lasted until 5pm and then it was back to pass by the Association's English language workshops to take a few photos and collect any outstanding subs.
Was in bed for 10pm and slept soundly.
23°, heavy rain

13.9.16: Negotiating the System
No time for the treadmill this morning as we were getting a lift to Lone's appointment at 8.30am. Upshot is that it's complicated as the inter-country is done by another department in Paris. Still signing on can be done on line and other requirements are nowhere near as onerous as they seem to be in her native Denmark. Apparently there, she has to present herself for at least two jobs every week.There'll be another appointment in 3 weeks time to see what she might be interested in doing. I was amazed at how spacious and calm the waiting area was. What's more there wasn't a security screen to be seen!
Had time for a quick whizz around the supermarket and a coffee while waiting for our bus but being as it was 10 minutes late, we missed our connection back to the village. Luckily, we bumped into a local handyman who gave us a lift back, apologising all the way for the state of his van. We were just glad not to have to hang around for nearly two hours until the next bus came. Back in the village, we stopped off at the bar for a rosé and learnt that Eve had been able to tell Nicole S when she came looking for me that that I was at the supermarket!
This evening was spent pleasantly enough over a glass (or two) of cava along with Martine at Jean-Jacques'.
Low cloud and chilly wind first thing but the sun came out and temperatures rose to 30°

12.9.16: Wanderlust
Pounded the treadmill before Margaret came around for us to discuss a possible trip to Portugal. Looks likely for later this year. You'll probably be wondering who she is. An interesting woman whom I don't know that well but she's keen to travel and I think we'll get on fine. Had time for my usual coffee afterwards and did more association admin in the afternoon.
In the evening had supper with Lone, after we'd filled in a lengthy form for the employment office in preparation for her appointment there tomorrow.
29°, sun

Sunday 11 September 2016

Blog once again up to Date!

11.9.16: A Shining Example?
After five early mornings on the treadmill and an early start to go to Figueres yesterday, I was more than happy to linger over the papers in bed before going for my usual coffee. The two Nicole's were there as was Annie who says that we'll be getting a lunch on the strength of the translations soon.
The two Nicole's and I stayed for a bite to eat and were joined later by Gilles and Martine. Had a good bit of feedback from them as when visiting friends in Provence, the latter were very disparaging of  the Brits, especially concerning food, I was held up as a friend (!) who likes and enjoys food, knows everything and everyone. Warmed the cockles of me 'eart it did!

10.9.16: Not just a Load of Old Dalí
No market today as I went off to Figueres with Nicole who was interested in buying a coat  and wanted my advice. Funny really, as I'm far from being a style guru!  Arrived nice and early and shopped and shopped with a short break for coffee and then shopped again until lunch time. Ate a salad at the Lizzeran which is a favourite of a few folk from the village
Having looked and compared in the morning, after lunch came the serious business of buying. Thankfully Nicole gave up the idea of the coat she'd gone to buy but bought another. I bought a blouse that I didn't need but liked.
Home just after 5pm with feet demanding a good rest; not that I could linger long as I was invited to Françoise's, my next door neighbour, for an apéritif along with other folk from the street. A pleasant evening with plenty of chat ; local, national and international; serious and light hearted. To be repeated the next time she's here from Paris.
29°, sun

9.9.16: Culture and Gastronomy
The annual international festival of photo journalism is due to end this week and Françoise and Jean took Lone and I to Perpignan to see it. It's been a couple of years since I've been as quite honestly it's pretty hard going . You need a strong stomach and clear head to get around. One advantage though is that it's spread over several sights so you get to see inside a number of buildings not normally open to the public. Security was tight with bag checks and metal detectors. Although a serious subject, one little bit of light relief from all the war, poverty and refugee stuff was provided by a photo of several baby oragutans being wheeled in a barrow to "school" where they are taught survival skills after being liberated from captivity.
After a couple of hours, we'd reached saturation point and went to the "Hotel Pams", (hotel in French is used for a mansion) not to see the expo but to enjoy the building itself. Built in the 19th century it was one of the houses owned  by the industrialist who produced JOB cigarette papers. What a delight.
Had lunch at "La Baratine", Place de la Révolution Française. A baratine is the red traditional hat worn by Catalan men; the restaurant set on a little square next to a well with a salamander that has water flowing from it's mouth was relaxed with pleasant staff and good food for the price.
Had a little time to rest at home before heading off to the bar for a meal accompanied by music from the group "Bossa Nostra" (twice in one day, hence the need for the treadmill). There were 11 of us at the table, two of whom were Richard and Izzy. Once again Richard was more than generous with the rosé. It wasn't safe to take your eyes off him for a minute as he was quick as grease lightening at filling up your glass. Luckily, it's not far to come home.
31°, sun, light overnight rain

Thursday 8 September 2016

Lots of Routine and a Fix of Chocolate

8.9.16: Snooze by Chocolate
After neglecting my language exchange duties recently, I relieved Maggie of the burden of opening up and setting up. Of course, there was a drink at the bar afterwards and after that lunch at the restaurant to talk once more about the Scottish trip. Needless to say Martine and I couldn't resist this dessert; David and Laura were made of sterner stuff!
You can see from the photo how bright it was as the reflection of the church is visible on the rim of the dish.
Don't know if it was the glass of wine or the pud but unusually for me, I nodded off briefly in the afternoon. These never ending high temperatures certainly zap your energy.
28°, sunny

7.9.16:  Routine Daily Routine
More treadmill, more chores and then a late but lengthy coffee at the other bar with Nicole P. Went to the other Nicole's for tea and more chat before attending the AGM of the village music association. Stayed for the apéritif but not the meal, preferring instead to come home and watch tv. A welcome bit of quiet time.
28°, sun with strong winds making it feel cooler. Blessed relief!

6.9.16: Daily Routine
Treadmill, domestic chores, coffee at the bar, work on the Scotland tour and that was it. Too hot for anything else.
32°, sun

5.9.16: Navigating the System
Another Monday and once again it was time to fire up the treadmill. Much to my surprise after 4 days lay off, I did. Had coffee with Lone, who's just arrived from Denmark and helped her register over the phone with the unemployment folk as she has to sign on there to continue receiving her benefit from Denmark. Apart from that, I tackled  some admin work for the association and not much else.
32° sun

Sunday 4 September 2016


4.9.16: End of Summer
Matt, Elizabeth and the girls left this morning which left me free to read the paper and go over for coffee at the bar. Not that having everyone here made much difference to me as by and large they looked after themselves; all a bit Airbandb but with out any monetary gain. Must say, I couldn't have asked for nicer folk.
Stayed on for lunch with Nicole during which there were a load of storks flying over.It was a lovely sight with them gracefully gliding on the air currents. Well, of course the collective noun is not a "load of" but a muster or mustering which I've just  found out. So, as the French would say "at least I won't go to bed as stupid as I got up!".
Back to the bar this evening at the invitation of Florence who was off the next day to go back to the States via her parents' place in Normandy. The summer visitors both human and avian are winging off in all directions, it would seem.
34°, sunny and hot

3.9.16: There's nothing better than a good friend, than a good friend with chocolate!
Went into the market with my guests this morning but left them to meet up with the other Brits while I sought out Hortense and then Jean and Françoise for a coffee.
Jim and Cecelia left  after lunch to go down to Collioure to stay in a flat for the week but as no one had a cheque book with them they had no means of paying the £250 security deposit which they'd forgotten about. Just hope they don't have any wild parties as it was me that bailed them out.
No time for me to draw breath as I was invited to Michel's to have coffee and dessert with he and the 4 friends he had staying. Went armed with a couple of bars of Lindt dark chocolate which means that there's less temptation lurking in the cupboard for me.
In the evening I bumped into Izzy, Richard and baby who invited me to eat with them. Nice to have some young company even if they did ply me with a little too much rosé!
33°, sun

Friday 2 September 2016

As Pretty as the Picture

The day couldn't have been better for a wedding. Blue skies and not a cloud to be seen. Met up with the two Nicole's for a coffee in the other village bar before we all went over to the Mairie to watch the deed being done. The legal bit that was performed by André was done with the requisite amount of ceremony otherwise it was a relaxed affair with a few touches of humour. André spoke in English at the end much to the delight of the British contingent and needless to say, the bride looked really pretty, much to the delight of all. From the Mairie, she walked up to the bar for the family and close friends meal and in the evening there was a do for 90 of us; paella, free flowing cava then wine accompanied by gypsy music that had me dancing non-stop. I can just imagine how surprised you may be to read this but let me tell you, I even surprised myself!
32°, sun

Thursday 1 September 2016

Cross Border Shopping

Had a committee meeting first thing and then went to the café for a coffee instead of briefly showing my face at the language exchange. Met Cecelia and Jim there who were enjoying little coconut cakes they'd bought in the market instead of the cereal etc that I bought in. Didn't linger too long as I was off again to the market in Figueres with Michel. Just did the fruit and veg part before meeting in the same place for the same lunch that we had last week.
Stopped to do a rapid supermarket shop in La Jonquera on the way back and spent the evening doing emails, watering the plants and watching tv while my guests were out at a BBQ. One of my emails was to New Zealand cousins as there was a costal tsunami alert after an underwater quake. A rapid reply came back that all was well .
34°, sun and a little white cloud