Monday 17 April 2017

Easter Traditions

17.4.17: Eggstravagant!
Coffee with Nicole S, JJ and Gabriella, a sandwich lunch at home and then a relaxed afternoon.
I , too, had made sure of my right to partake so joined over a hundred others for the Pascal Omelette. Of course there were loads to sample and I didn't hold back.
25°, sun

16.4.17: Boo Hoo, No Easter Egg
Apart from the Easter decorations in the street, it was a usual Sunday; coffee with Nicole P, lunch with Nicole P, Gilles and Martine.
Spent a lazy afternoon at home.
20° blue sky and chilly wind

15.4.17: Eggs, Eggs and More Eggs
The bus to the market was pulling away from the bus stop five minutes early as I arrived to get it. Margaret was there looking a bit worried that I wouldn't make it. Yasmin joined us at the "Pablo" which I usually avoid on a Saturday and sitting there, it came home to me why I do. All those "la la" voices speaking in English. So glad that I don't fit into that category!
Home via the supermarket, rushed a quick lunch to be ready to open up the association's room for Hannele who was taking some old cupboards. She was an hour late and then decided not to take the cupboards but that's Hannele all over.
Nicole P and I went out to listen to traditional Catalan songs.  Here's a photo of the Maire lowering a basket full of eggs and other things to make the Pascal omelette thus being sure of his right to partake of it on Monday.
A chilly cup of tea at the bar and then dinner at Jim and Mags' with David and Laura to dot the "i's" and cross the "t's" of our forthcoming Scottish trip.
18°, blue skies and cloud

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