Sunday 30 April 2017

Beers, Books and Baked Potatoes

30.4.17: Unpretentious Sunday Lunch
There were quite a few of us for coffee at the bar including a couple of visitors. Nicole S, Yasmin and I rashly decided to go for lunch over the border but had to abandon the idea as the traffic was at a standstill. Then had to trail around looking for somewhere else which wasn't easy. Tried 4 places before we settled on a baked potato place. Not really my idea of a leisurely Sunday lunch but the meal was fresh, surprisingly tasty and the young women whose business it was, really did a good job on making us welcome.
22°, blue sky and heavy rain later

29.4.17: Book Bonanza
The books are fairly flying off the shelves and even though some new ones have appeared, I needed to do a top up. Went into the market with Nicole P and met up with Yasmin for coffee. Nany and André joined us. Apart from that the rest of the day was filled by computer stuff and telly watching.

28.4.17: Cheers!
Went to Jacques's to give him some feedback about the German visit but couldn't stay long as I was meeting Lynn and Ann for coffee. He did, however, invite me to join him for lunch which I did. Beats having to raid an all but empty fridge! He can turn out pretty decent food so I was on to a winner. What did he get in exchange?  My stimulating company, of course!!
Dominique came by after that to box in the ventilator pipes that the electrician had installed. That's my purse quite a few euros lighter once again.
At the end of the afternoon, I'd arranged a visit for the Association to the micro brewery that has not long been open in the village. There were about 25 of us and it was great to hear Christophe speak with such enthusiasm about his brewing. Rather than buy over the border, I'll need to support this local initiative instead.
From here, it was a quick sprint down to the latest vernissage. Some lovely seascapes but sadly there were only a handful of us to appreciate them.
27°, sun, blue skies and a cool wind

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