Sunday 9 April 2017

Spending Time with Friends

9.4.17: More Eating and Drinking with Friends
Coffee with Nicole, Margaret, Irene and Rosie. Stayed on for a wee snack to keep Nicole company.
Home to do a bit of work and then back to the bar to meet Yaneth, Lisa and Jacques. It was a super evening with warm sunshine, lots of people on the terrace and the fountain working. Margaret and Irene who was relieved that the marathon had gone without mishap, came to eat so I lingered a bit longer. Apart from that, nothing else and so the weekend ended on a quiet note .
23°, clear blue skies

8.4.17: Eating and Drinking with Friends
 Met up with Irene and Margaret at the "Grand Café" for a change. Kelvin was away in Paris to run the marathon tomorrow. Can only admire him as his son had had to drop out so he was running on his own. Stayed on for lunch at the "France".
In the afternoon, I went for a walk along the prom in Argelès with Françoise while Jean sat in a café with his book until we could join him for a drink.
Home for a bite to eat after which I joined Margaret and Irene at the bar. They were on the red wine and I stuck to tea.
20°, blue skies

7.4.17: Making Life Difficult for the Postie!
After such a slow week, a trip to Figueres with Nicole S and Yasmin made a welcome change. Started with a leisurely coffee and made my regular trip to the dried foods shop. It's the place to buy loose dried fruit, nuts, pulses, grains etc. Couldn't believe that the price of the ground almonds was half that you'd pay in France. Looked at a few clothes shops too but for once, didn't buy anything. We had lunch at the "Ous d'Or", always a sure bet in a pleasant environment as you'll know from previous posts. We had tea on the Plaça Josep Pla at the "El Pau" coffee and bookshop opposite the lovely (if you like Art Deco architecture) Municipal Theatre.  Definitely worth top place on my good places to go in Figueres list.
Came home in time to go to a vernissage in Christian's room and thank goodness that I did as there were only six of us from the village there. At least the Maire took time out from his banda practice to put in an appearance. To make things worse, the artist had no one there from his side apart from his wife and granddaughter. Jacques Vincen's work is modern and not to my taste but the idea was an original one based on the mail (postal) art movement that originated in the 40's and 50's. Highly decorated post somehow gets delivered despite the address being well camouflaged among all the art work. Apparently one artist sent one such "postcard" on a slipper and it too was delivered. Jacques had posted a great number of "postcards" from all over the world to the Maison pour Tous and all arrived! Follow the link for a better explanation than I've given here. 
Came back home to a less enlightened evening in front of the telly.
20°, clear blue skies, no wind

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