Sunday 23 April 2017

By George!

23.4.17: Your Turn to Feel Sorry for Me
It was indeed a long hot day.  Set up our bookstall, and encouraged people to donate a few coppers in exchange for taking as many books as they liked. In return they were given a rose in keeping with the Catalan tradition. We raised about 350€ which has gone to the local schools' outings fund. There were people in costume, music and the percussionists from Figueres to add to the atmosphere. I was on the go from 8am and it was after 6pm by the time all the decorations were down. No shade and with only a sausage and chips lunch and a rose with missing petals as recompense, I was feeling done in. Methinks it's time for a bit of collective sympathy to come my way, n'est-ce pas?
23°, hot and sunny

22.4.17: Just a Weenie Bit Sorry for Myself
Went to the market with Nicole P; met lots of people and then sat for a long time in the café where we were briefly joined by Jean and Françoise. Enjoyed the couple of hours I had to myself before heading over to the square to decorate it ready for tomorrow. Missed the concert in the church but went instead to the bar to listen to Joan sing in Catalan as part of a Catalan evening that had snails in tomato sauce on the menu. Sat on a barstool on my lonesome and sipped tonic water which gassed me up! Better stick to tea in future. Went home to watch tv and relax before a long, hot day tomorrow.
20°, cool start to the day but sunny

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