Friday 14 April 2017

A Welcome Midweek Break

14.4.17: Clean Sweep
Coffee with Nicole P, then a delicious lunch at the restaurant with Margaret. In the meantime Thérèse more than earnt her money dealing with the dusty footprints resulting from all the coming and goings in the house.
Association website in the afternoon and telly in the evening
24°, blue skies

13.4.17: Pottering around the Village
Language Exchange, tea afterwards, hair appointment, tea with Nicole P and attendance at a long tedious council meeting at the Mairie.
26°, blue skies

12.4.17: Game of Patience
Tided up the garden; a long over due task. Had the handrails installed in the afternoon and spent ages untangling and sorting cables that have been lying around for ages. It's hard to know what belongs to what and even harder to know what it's supposed to do. Bet you've a drawerful too. Doesn't everyone?
23° blue skies

11.4.17: Out of Bounds
Margaret, Anne, Nicole and I went off for a different sort of shopping today; this time for cava and so, altogether more interesting. And there was no one taking charge! Had lunch at "La Plaça" in Garriguella which you'll know from previous posts, serves good food with a bit of style.
Had hoped to look at the impressive standing stone on the way to the monestery at St Quirze but the access had all been cordoned off by the landowner. How many other gems are we denied? An old photo just aint the same.
22°, blue sky and some cloud

10.4.17: One Bitten Tongue
Mme le General rounded Marguerite and I up to shop for some kitchen units for the Association's new room. She was on a mission and there was no time to lose. Had a tea sitting the garden in the other bar with Nicole S and not much else.
23°, blue skies

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