Thursday 6 April 2017

Giving the Camera a Rest

6.4.17: Eating with Friends Known and Unkown
Went to the language exchange and met an Estonian family with a 4 year old and 6 year old that Hannele had brought along. They spoke neither French nor English but were all smiles and very polite. The children will be going to school here in May and Hannele who is Finnish, will employ the parents to help with the house that she is building here. Europe in action!
Had a drink (tea) in the bar and then 6 of us went to the restaurant for a change. A good meal it was too.
Oh dear! As I'm writing this ages later I know from my notes that I made an Orange and Almond Slice for tea that was well received but have no idea who came to eat it!
Normally, I say to folk that I take photos so that I know what I've been doing but today, I didn't so my tea companions remain unknown!
In the evening JJ invited me to eat a pizza with him and catch up; of course, there was cake for him too.
19°, sun, wind, cloud

5.4.17: Anticlimax
Took myself out for a walk; not only was it a lovely morning but I also felt that I should get my legs to do a bit more work than of late. Harry and Sue were enjoying the sun in front of their holiday home and invited me in for a drink (water).
In the afternoon did some Association admin and then wandered around to the square to see the filming that was going on. A Catalan crew were making a tv film set in the 60's. The hairdressers was transformed into a newsagents and the bar was used for the costumes and make-up. There was very little action which was disappointing so I beat a retreat home to get out of the cold wind.
18°, sun and high cloud with a cold wind later on

4.4.17: Recycling Books
Coffee with Nicole P sitting out on the terrace of the bar then met Philippe to oraganise the bookshelves he's to make to put on the window sills of the Maison pour Tous. There's one each for English and French language books that peole can take, borrow, exchange or leave.
More work on the computer and that was it.
21°, sun, wind

3.4.17: Non Alcoholic Apéritifs
Gosh, it was such an ordinary day that I'm almost embarrased to write about it but you know me, I'm OCD enough to not leave any gaps so here goes!
The man came  to do an accurate measure for the stair rail, I did some admin and took the bus into the bank to get some money, go to the supermarket for a few bits and pieces and leave Saveur a cheque for the electrics.
The evening did at least bring a bit of variety to the day by way of an apérobio with Ann and Lynn but I didn't even think to take a photo to liven it up. Familiarity breeds contempt as they say ...
20°, sun, wind

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