Friday 21 April 2017

Thank Goodness for Friends

21.4.17: That Sinking Feeling
Ugh! The most horrible gunge came out from the pipe under one of the kitchen sinks. I'd tackled the "u" bend as had Frank but the problem wasn't there. Dominique had had a look and said I should get a plumber. Today, I decided to try and unscrew other pipework but had neither the strength nor the right tool to get very far. Jacques not only lent me the right equipment but sorted  the blockage. Horrible job but he did it with good humour and patience. See how interesting life is. Anyway, I took him off to the bar for an apéritif by way of a thank you.
In the last few weeks, there have been two doors to sort, the leak in the shower and now this. Oh, how I hate having to get my head around all these small nuisances.
In the afternoon, went with Maggie into Perpignan to the bookstore to find a gift and apart from that "nada".
16°, feeling warmer in the sun

20.4.17: Up on a Charge!
Language exchange, cuppa at the bar, a quick lunch at home then I was on duty receiving and sorting books ready for the Association's stall at the Fête de la Sant Jordi (St George). Nicole S kept me company and lent a hand but sad to say, Mme the General said we didn't do it right; well, the organisation of the French books that is! Nicole not best pleased as she considered that her organisation was logical and not at fault. Consoled ourselves with tea in Céret.
16°, blue skies

19.4.17: Big Screen, Little Screen
Worked on material for the Scotland trip and watched some tv.
18°, blue skies but feeling even chillier

18.4.17: Almost Ready to Give Up
Coffee with Nicole P. Spanish becoming impossible. Translations way above our heads. Hope I can keep going until the end of the term. Prepared tapas for an evening on the terrace with Margaret, Kelvin and Irene.
21° but there was a cold wind

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