Sunday 2 April 2017

Quiet Weekend

2.4.17: Lazy Sunday Afternoon
After such a late night, it wasn't surprising that I slept until 9.30am. Jacques called by in the morning with a bunch of flowers to make up for me not having been at the market to buy my own (or so he said!)
Of course, there was coffee in the bar with the two Nicoles and Yasmin, among others, followed by an omlette lunch. Came home to work on the blog and do some more foutering.
16°, sun but chilly wind making it feel cooler

1.4.17: April Fish
The French mark the 1st April too, by making fools of people but for them, the object is to pin a fish on the person's back as well as to make up fantastic but almost believable stories as in UK. As usual, our doors were decorated with fish; cardboard not fresh, I might add. The only difference from last year is that mine was lilac and not red.
No market as it was raining and only went as far as the bar for a coffee. Foutered on the computer, watched tv and then foutered until after 2.30am when I finally called it a day and went to bed.
15°, rain

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