Thursday 27 April 2017

Food at Friends, a Funeral and a Fire

27.4.17: Taking the Chill Off
Language exchange, tea at the bar with the exchangers then stayed on for lunch with Nicole P, Terry and Ann. More sadly, in the afternoon there was Jacques's funeral to attend. Not my neighbour, I might add but another one that I knew quite well. Despite him having health problems, the end was very sudden; he was a really nice man and only 71.
Once home, I lit the fire and settled down with a pot of tea ready for a quiet night.
14°, cloudy, cold wind but warming up later

26.4.17: Viva Mexico!
Spent all day in front of the computer doing association stuff so was pleased to get out in the evening to Jacques's for a Mexican meal. Doug and Erica, Nick and Lizzie, Jean-Louis and Eve from the bar were invited too. There was guacamole, margaritas (for some), pork with chocolate, refried beans and rice. There were also sombreros and other head gear to try on; so, lots of laughs.
Feeling pretty tired, I was the first to leave and in theory went straight to bed but in practice I spent 20 minutes looking for something. Maybe it was the antibiotics or maybe there's too much going on in my head.
12°, rain all day and my goodness, it's feeling chilly

25.4.17: Beggars Belief!
Went for the blood test to see if the antibiotics that I'm taking are doing any damage to my liver and thankfully they're not. Met Françoise for a coffee, came back on the bus and stopped off at the bar for a cup of tea. After that I met up with the two Nicole's to go for lunch at Yasmin's.
Carol, a ex-colleague from UK and Isabelle an independant freelance tour guide from near Albi were also there, so Reza, heavily outnumbered beat a retreat to his room and left us to it. Isabelle, to my astonishment, said that she had a Scottish name originating from Barra which is the nearest point in "England" to America!!!!! Of course, I reminded her that Scotland was not in England.
Went straight from here to a meeting for those of us offering B and B to members of a German Mandoline "orchestra" that will be here for a week in October.
Before heading home, I stopped off at the bar to catch up with Lone for yet another non-alcoholic beverage.
21°, sun and light winds 

24.4.17: Occupied with the Association
Association committee meeting this morning after which I installed the bookshelves that we've donated to the Mairie. There is one for books in English and another for books in French and they sit on the window ledges of the old Mairie. it's the ideal spot as there's shelter from the rain, it's next to the café and on the way to the hairdressers. What's more it's on a wee pedestrianised road so people can stop easily to browse, take, leave or exchange books.
Had coffee with Nicole P and then went home to prepare for the meeting this evening with the participants on the forthcoming Scottish trip. I say meeting, but it was really a get together over an apéritif to answer some last minute questions which were mostly about the weather and what clothes to take.
19° low cloud, blue sky and more cloud later.

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