Sunday 22 October 2017

Bonjour à la Famille!

23.10.17: Making the most of the Muscles; Making the most of the Sun
First thing on the agenda was a trip to the rubbish dump with ever helpful Christophe and Jean. I did appreciate it but what a way to start the holidays. Treated them all to an apéritif at the bar out on the terrace and they in turn treated me to lunch. In the afternoon, they went off to the coast while I stayed home and did a bit of cooking.
20°, blue skies

22.10.17: Mop and Bucket at the Ready
Allowed myself a break from pushing the vacuum around, weilding a mop and flicking a duster to go and have coffee at the café. Not many of us; once again Nicole S was noticable by her absence. didn't linger too long as I to do some baking, Still, all that needed to be done was done by the time that Christophe, Valérie et al arrived from Normandy.
After all day in the car, once their bags were dropped in various bedrooms and a cup of tea was washed down with cookies straight from the oven, they were ready for a walk around the village in the late afternoon sun. Stopped off at the bar for an apéritif before coming home for dinner.
19°, blue sky and light cloud

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