Friday 20 October 2017

Time to say Goodbye

No grandchildren obligations for Jill today so she was able to come over to Mum's and spend the day with us. What a great bonus. We braved the chill wind and went back to the community café for lunch.
Had a quiet afternoon until Jean and John arrived to take me back to their house for the night. It's always sad to see Mum's face at the window as she waves a last goodbye until I reappear again. All being well that should be next Spring when Ryanair start flying again from Perpignan.
Stopped off at "The Bell" for dinner and I think it's slipped from the top of my must-go-to restaurant list. A "perfoming" waiter and group of singers through in the bar didn't help. We couldn't decide if their rendition of some 70's songs were spontaneous  or paid entertainment.  Oh dear, what a grump I am.
Oh, a stylish black coat from Jill and a cashmere cardigan and brand new polo top from Mum have found their way into my suitcase, along with a few other bits and pieces. So, I'm grumpy no more!

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