Sunday 29 October 2017

Cleanliness is next to ..... Boredom

29.10.17: Reluctant Cleaner
Neither of the Nicole's were at the café so there was just Anne, Martine and I who stayed on for lunch. The imminent arrival of visitors means a splurge on the cleaning and Martine refereed the debate I was having with myself  about whether I should do some today or leave it until tomorrow. Reluctantly but wisely, I took her advice. Ugh!
19°, sun and blue skies

28.10.17: Pottering Around
Took the bus to see Annette who's in a convalsence home and then another one into town to a bit of supermarket shopping. Came back loaded like the proverbial Catalan burro (donkey) but needs must; there are five more mouths to feed from the day after next.
Did some catching up with the blog in almost real time, had a long chat with Rowena who's back from China, watched tv and ate more chocolate than I should have.
20°, sun and light cloud

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