Saturday 14 October 2017

Resolving to do Better

Finally, it's the 27th October and I've a moment to start tapping the keyboard again. Back posts will have to wait until at least the Christmas break by which time, I'll be wondering why I'm bothering. But ... you know me ... OCD tendenacies won't let me leave any gaps that would upset my sense of order.
So here's what I was up to a couple of weeks ago a neat place to start my catch up as I was off to UK for a week
My Ryanair flight had been postponed from last Tuesday as French air traffic control were on strike in protest at the Governement's labour "reforms".
Spent the morning doing last minute admin for the association, getting it's web site up to date, clearing the fridge and unable to put it off any longer, packing the case that was to go in the hold. The privelge for which, I paid twice as much as for my flight!
Nicole P, ever helpful, gave me a lift to the airport and after an uneventful flight, Mary was at the other end to meet me.
What a surprise; after leaving a misty Perpignan, the sun was shining that lovely golden autumnal colour and it even felt warm.We spent a relaxing evening drinking cava, having dinner and chatting. Off to a good start, I reckon.
18°, sunny

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