Wednesday 18 October 2017

Shakespeare and Shops, Cava and Catch-up

A bit of a dismal morning in Stratford with mist and drizzle, few tourists or shoppers as you can see from this photo of Shakespeare's birth place.
How lucky we are here to have our bus journeys in the Pyrénéees Orientales for 1€ for people of all ages where ever they are from. Yes, Warwickshire pensioners travel free but the rest of us pay heavily; £5.10 to travel 10 miles from Jill's to Stratford. I'd been looking forward to a morning's shopping (that case still needs filling) but M and S was as disappointing as it was the last time I was there at Christmas. Only bought a pair of jeans. However, the lentil soup I had for lunch in-store was tasty and kept me going until it was time to get the bus back to Mum's for the afternoon.
Evenings at Jill's are taking on a pattern; a bite to eat, a bottle of cava and catch-up tv. And what's wrong with that?

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