Sunday 15 October 2017

Hello, Little One

There was no early morning sunshine; Birmingham awoke to drizzle. Can't complain as by the time we'd had breakfast and reloaded the car, it had stopped and then by the time we neared journey's end, the sun had come out.
We stopped off a"The Bell" for lunch. Normally, it's a favourite of mine but not having booked, we were stuck in a back room with a group of young folk who, from their conversation about polo, travel and university, were obviously from very priviledged backgrounds. Could feel my hackles rising and to make matters worse, it seems that prices have taken a hike; no doubt to keep the riff raff away.
Still, today wasn't a day to be grumpy as it was my new great neice's christening. A church affair with a tea to follow. All the family were there including my brother and sister-in-law from Wales. Glad to say that despite a couple of people being there who could have upset the apple cart, those concerned put their feelings to one side so as not to spoil the day. It's so much easier when there's a dignified avoidance rather than sniping or black looks across the room. Family relations are a mine field, are they not?
Amazingly, I haven't a photo of the star of the show, a bonnie wee thing but here's a lovely one of her Mum (right), Gran (centre) and Aunt (left).
Once back at Mum's, Rosie and I walked the dog around the village and left Chris to rest. What a laugh we had when on returning we found Chris had helped himself to an aperitif. He complained that the ginger ale that he'd found was flat! Not surprising as it had a best before date of 2002!!! Proof, as if we needed it that Mum is no drinker. Rosie and I played it safe and settled for a Baileys.

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