Friday 13 October 2017

Here We Go Again!

Heavens! How time marches or should I say gallops on, at great speed so I thought I'd better let you know again that all's well. My German visitors were fun to have in the house. Laid back and happy to go with the flow. Direk threw me into a bit of a panic though when he told me that he'd been a chef for 34 years! The week was exhausting but entertaining and the music was a delight to listen to. Inez, the musician of the couple, gave me their latest cd and if you fancy a listen, follow the link to hear one or two clips. No9 gives me goose bumps. It also includes 3 sardanes, one of which was composed by the group leader. I'm thinking that traditional Catalan dance melodies played by Germans is a reminder that respect for other cultures still exists bringing pleasure to many.
The weather perked up after this photo was taken and has been warm and sunny since.
Of course, the main news is the Independance referendum in Catalunya and the stand off between Barcelona and Madrid which is leaving us wondering how on earth it's all going to end.
Now I have to prepare for visits from the family who will be arriving for the half term holidays so the blog will be on hold yet again. Still, there are those long winter nights ahead so, maybe I'll get around to catching up then . In the meantime keep well all of you and à bientôt! Rx
22°, sun and clear, blue skiescata

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