Wednesday 25 October 2017

Sharing Memory Lane

Had a lovely day out today with the family down on the coast in Spain. Started off in L'Escala and a brisk walk along the coastal path. Stopped of for a beer at the hotel where Christian and I spent our last St Valentine's together. A really beautiful spot. Refreshed, we set off again to continue our walk to St Martí where we had lunch in the square after a little walk around. It's hard to believe that the family despite their numerous visits had never been here. to say that they were enthusiastic about what they found would be an understatement.
Before walking back to L'Escala, the family headed for the beach; Tanguy even went in for a swim. Me, I found a bench where I could read more of "Outlander" even though I'm watching it on tv. So far, it's pretty true to the novel. I just can't get enough of it!
Stopped off in Capmany on the way home to buy cava which was as well, as Margaret called in after her language workshop and stayed for an apéro.
23°, blue skies

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