Thursday 26 October 2017


The family left at the end of the morning to go on to visit other family which left me with time to go over to the bar to meet the exchangers. It was a depleted group (often is at holiday periods). Home for a quick lunch and then a rendez-vous for a visit to a local chocolate maker. 13 of us squeezed into her workshop to listen, question and taste. They're not cheap but the strength of the raw chocolate means that you don't need much.
Purchases in hand, Nicole and I left the rest of the group who went off for a guided tourof the abbey; we went in search of a cup of tea and found one in Céret where we sat in the sun and watched the world go by. On returning to the village, we wanted to make the most of the sun before it disappeared, so stopped off at the bar for a glass of wine where Marie Christine and her bloke joined us. One glass only, if you're thinking that I'm getting into bad habits and then, it was home for a bite to eat and an evening in front of the telly.
21° sun

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