Sunday 12 November 2017

Weekend in the Village

12.11.17: Faithful Few
The non-church brigade were very thin on the ground again for coffee this morning. It's not the same sitting inside as being out on the terrace; maybe that's why. Even so, I'll keep going. What else would I do on Sunday morning?
The Maire and his wife came in around midday and we had an apéritif together; then I came home for lunch, do some Association admin and watch some telly.
All in all, this sunset was the highlight of the day. stunning, isn't it?
20°, sun, blue sky

11.11.17: Poppies and Cornflowers
Sadly for French workers, Armistice day, which is a public holiday, fell this year on a Saturday. Surprisingly, even though the Unions were strong in the past, there's no day off in lieu when a public holiday falls at a weekend.
Old soldiers wearing medals, school children and the general public wearing symbols of remembrance (in France it's a cornflower) gathered on the square ready for the off..
We followed the brass band up to the War Memorial and listened to the Mayor talk of the Catalan brigade's contribution to the 2WW effort. Unsurprisingly, he drew parallels with the need to support democracy and resist fascism today as in the past. I've asked to get a copy of his speech as I know there will be one or two of you who'll be interested to read it.
Followed the band back to the Mairie for the apéritif and then toddled over to the bar where I found the British contingent (well, the 5 who'd turned out) having a coffee. Gave a nod to the public holiday by ordering up an apéritif.
Entertained Flo, a new member, to tea and chat about the association. Of course, we ranged farther than that, moving on to women's issues, politics and travel. We found a lot of common ground so expect to hear more about her in future posts.
Watched "Victoria and Abdul" cosied up by the stove and did nothing much else.
18°, blue sky, lighter winds

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