Sunday 5 November 2017

Anti climax after all the Recent Buzz

5.11.17: Going Solo
There were about six of us around the table for coffee this morning though none of my usual pals were there. The church brigade left quite early as they were all going to the Sardane Association lunch in the foyer. Didn't feel like beating a retreat so stayed on for a white wine and was rewarded by the appearance of Margaret.
Home for lunch then down to the recreation ground to have a walk around the car boot sale. Shouldn't have bothered. Came home and brought the blog up to date; now there's only several weeks of back posts to do.
17°, sun and stong winds

4.11.17: Winding Down
My Parisian family left on time at 7am to do the long drive in front of them. These few days have passed very quickly but it's great that they are so willing to make the journey south and keep the contact going. Evenings chatting around the dinner table were a pleasure (as was the bottle of cava at apéritif time) that I feel I should make more effort to invite friends to share food with me.
Went to the market with Michel and met Françoise for coffee then came home and spent the rest of the day quietly.
20°, sun

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