Friday 24 November 2017

Developing Square Eyes

24.11.17: At last, a Bit of Fun
Was spared sorting and other chores today as my time was taken up with organising the apéritif after the association's boules competition and then joining the players for lunch at the bar. Nico, the chef is on holiday so Eve was cooking for 22 of us and very well she did too. There was a good atmosphere and no complaints.
Later on I went for a long over due hair cut which was a boost. Whilst there, I was able to reassure Jennifer that I'd be staying loyal and not going to the new salon that's opening soon in the old mini mart. Honestly, it doesn't seem to make much sense because as well as Jennifer, there are two mobile hairdressers and Spain where prices are much cheaper close by.
Spent the evening as I spend every other evening these days.
16°, cloudy start, sun later

23.11.17: Unexciting or what?
Language exchange, tea and a glass of wine at the bar, more accessory sorting, more tv.
17°, blue sky

22.11.17: People in Glass Houses ....
More leaves to collect, a bit of cooking, and a bit of sorting. If you've seel the post of 17th October, you'll remember that we laughed at Mum's open bottle of dry ginger dated 2002. Apparently there's a hoarding gene that runs in the family; cleaning out the top cupboard I came across flavoured oils and vinegars dating from the same time!
Spent the afternoon  more sorting the accessories that we've been given for our Téléthon stand. A few nice bits and pieces along with some absolute .... that went straight into the rubbish pile. It never ceases to amaze what people think others would be happy to buy.
Finished off the "Acquitted" box set this evening. A Norwegian crime drama portraying dysfunctional characters from dysfunctional families living in a dysfunctional town where surprisingly for Norway, it didn't seem to rain very much!
17°, sun and blue sky

21.11.17: Passing Time
Cleaning, a welcome coffee with Nicole and so passed the morning.
Supermarket shopping, pansy buying at a local nursery with Maggie, planting up, association admin and so passed the afternoon.
TV watching and so passed the evening. Nothing new there!
20°, cloudless blue sky

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