Friday 17 November 2017

Need to Get a Life?

17.11.17: Energised by the Sun
Took the bus into town for a quick whizz around the supermarket as I'm doing dinner for five of us tomorrow evening but before that I bumped into Françoise. Made time for a coffee together which meant that my whizz was even faster than I'd anticipated. I'd forgotten how slowly the queue in this particular supermarket moves. Dropped the shopping off at home and went for a cuppa; I was the only client in the café so sat and chatted with Eve, the patron and leant that another hairdresser's is opening up. That we don't need.
Did some hard prunning this afternoon but there were some trees that will need more force than I can muster so that's for another week.
Maggie called by to collect a paper which I'd printed off for her but didn't stay for tea even though I'd just made a pot. Bet you can't guess how I spent the evening? Yes, more small screen.
21° !!! warm and sunny

16.11.17: Another View, Another Sunset
Language exchange, tea, then a glass of wine over which I lingered quite a long time with Ann, Terry and Nicole P.
Walked over to see Martine who's recovering from an operation and had tea and a good catch-up. The sunset on the walk home was absolutely stunning. I'm sure that you'll appreciate the change of view as I did. Home to make soup and watch more tv.
17°, sun

15.11.17: Guest Appearance
A bit of a later start that was interrupted by a call from Françoise to come to our room where she was in the process of giving her French conversation workshop. She wanted to talk about something and nothing but a cup of coffee and an invitation to join the group was on offer. Stayed for an enjoyable half an hour.
Next door jam making for the Téléthon was in full swing; apparently, 830 pots of watermelon and citrus fruit was the splendid result.
Brought the blog up to date in the afternoon and then went to set up the welcome apéritif for new members. All went extremely well with a great bit of mixing and mingling which didn't go on past 8.30pm. This left time to watch "Free Men" a film that gives an interesting slant on the Muslim community's contribution to the Resistance effort in wartime Paris.
19°, sunny

14.11.17: Long Time, No See
It's ages since I've seen Hortense so it was great to catch up with her over coffee and have a laugh. Was offered a lift while waiting for the bus and Hortense gave me a lift back. Not driving is a bit of a pain and no doubt the time will come when I need to look to move to a smaller house somewhere bigger with more services but I'm not there yet.
Spent all afternoon doing the website and all evening watching tv.
14° sunny

13.11.17: Looking to Increase Takings
Did the shopping for the apéritif that I'm organising for new members and then called in at the bar for a cuppa.
This afternoon made a start on updating the association website .
The first acoustic guitar evening was launched at the bar this evening. 9 of the 11 folk who ordered up food were Brits; is it any wonder that we always receive a warm welcome?
Left at about 9.30pm; yes, you've guessed it, to watch telly. Sad or what?
11° blue sky and extremely strong winds

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