Sunday 19 November 2017

Entertaining Friends

19.11.17: Supporting the Téléthon
It was lovely to linger in bed, with one ear on the French news whilst reading the paper and eating my breakfast.
Made it over to the square where mint tea and North African pastries were being served in aid of the Téléthon. Jean and Françoise came over as did their daughter and her family. It seemed only right that we patronised the café too as on any other Sunday , so Françoise and I took our pastries inside and bought something to drink. We were joined by Nicole P and Flo therefore, this Sunday felt more like old times. There's been no news from the other Nicole so I guess she's decided to write us off.
Had lunch at home and prepared some canapés until it was time to go up to the village hall for a concert in aid of the Téléthon. Two flutes and a piano envelopped us in lovely music composed by Fauré, Delibes. Offenbach, Schubert, Bizet, Scott Joplin and Chopin among others.
Our spirits replenished, it was time to do the same for our stomachs. Jean, Françoise and JJ came back to mine which made a pleasant change from watching the tv!
18°, sun and light cloud

18.11.17: No Worries for Nigella
I won't go into detail as I know that you won't be any more interested in my day of doing chores (cleaning out the stove, general cleaning, cooking) than I was. Had just the canapés to do and was about to make a pot of tea when Nicole called with her pushchair-sized granchild to say "hello". A welcome break that didn't knock my schedule our of kilter.
Managed to entertain and serve Terry, Ann, Maggie and Trevor without stressing too much. Haven't been doing very well with taking photos of late and today was no exception. Sorry
18°, sunny

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