Friday 10 November 2017

Blowin' in the Wind

10.11.17: A Reservoir of Talent
Made an iced ginger cake to sell at this evening's Karaoké in the aid of the Téléthon. Treated Nicole to lunch at "Le France" by way of a thank you for taking me to the airport the other week. In the evening I attended a vernissage which due to a lack of publicity was extremely poorly attended. Rather, I should say embarrassingly poorly attended. Was a shame as the black and white paintings of jazz artists and three sculptures, demonstrated that the young Belgian artist deserved the awards she's received as a new talent.
Next, it was off to the village hall to listen (not sing) to the kataoké, a first ever in the village. I was pleased for the organisers who'd put a lot of effort into it, that it was a big success. They made over 1,450€. And ..... there was lots of interesting finger food to sample.
15°, sun, strong wind

9.11.17: Food for Thought
Language exchange, cuppa at the bar, impromptu lunch at Jacques' and the ciné club in the evening to see "Summer 1993," a film by a Catalan director. Luckily there were French subtitles.
13° sun, chilly wind

8.11.17: Testing my Grasp of French and Local Knowleddge
Spent a good part of the day doing stuff on the computer for other people. The most tedious of which was correcting a CV.
In the evening I went to the presentation and signing of a book on the history of Céret written by the ex curé. Interesting but not being from here, the names of some of the old families and place names were lost on me.
14° sunshine, chilly

7.11.17: À la Maison
A day doing chores and preparing an apéritif dinatoire for Jean-Jacques who's back from his trip zig-zagging France.
14°, blue skies, no wind

6.11.17: Well done, Mum!
Mum's birthday today and she's still living in her own home and going strong. This year she's made some advances by going for a wee walk most days and even more astoundingly, taking herself every now and again to the Community café for lunch.
After speaking to her and getting to chat to Mary who was down from Birmingham to take her to lunch, I had a coffee with Nicole and passed the rest of the day doing Association "admin" before going for the monthly apéritif with two of the three other British women who make up the group.
12°, blue skies and ferocious winds

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