Friday 3 November 2017

Full House

3.11.17: A "bity" Kind of Day.
Frank and Stéphanie combined a wee trip out with buying a stock of wood pellets for the stove which will see me set for about three months. I stayed home while Sauveur finally came to finish a few bits and pieces and take away the huge ladder that's been propped against the wall for so long that it was growing roots. Did a fair bit of stuff for the Association, watched the last episode of the really interesting series about the Vietnam war. Echos of which apply today; false news, no exit strategy, cover ups and waste of life. Hegel was right. "the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history".
In the evening Frank, Stéphanie and I went around to Michel's for an apéritif then back home we had dinner and an early night as my visitors are setting off early tomorrow morning.

2.11.17: Spanish and Indian Flavours
While the family were out for the day, I had a cuppa at the bar with the exchangers and prepared tapas for this evening which included some flapjacks so that we could finish on a sweet note.
Our guests (Jean, Françoise and Michel) were gone by 10pm so we watched the 2nd Best Exotic Marigold Hotel which was 2nd best in every respect. 
18°, sun
1.11.17: Somber Day, Cheery Evening
The family went off to Perpignan so I had another day to myself. Apart from Linde calling around briefly, I spent the time quietly. Today is Toussaint or "All Saints". It's the public holiday when families visit the graves of their loved ones to replace the dead flowers, dust the plastic ones and pull up the weeds.
Watched a fair bit of tv and was not happy that "George Gently" was bumped off; then Elvis in "Our Girl" was blown up. Who's next? Will Matt Crawford (Archers) recover?
Frank and Stéphanie prepared a tasty bacon risotto for dinner which we followed with "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" in front of the cosy glow of the stove. At least that brought a few laughs to go to bed on.
19°, sun and light cloud

31.10.17: Trick or Spell
The family went out for the day which left me free to meet with Nicole S for a coffee. It was fine but she literally remained tight lipped when I asked her if she was going to come back to the café on a Sunday morning. So, the mystery of who or what has upset her remains unsolved.
Baked my usual Christmas cake (Delia's Creole Xmas cake) which gave off the most evocative smells. Well, fruit steeped in a variety of alcohol for a week and mixed spices would, wouldn't it?
This evening we inaugurated the stove; not that we really needed it as I spent the whole evening running up and down the stairs to give sweets to a stream of children who threaten to put a spell on you if you don't hand over a treat. Glad to say that I had just enough and consequently am still hale and hearty!
18°, sun

30.10.17: Ever Reluctant Cleaner
Got stuck into some cleaning, some baking and took a break to have coffee which became an apéritif with Nicole. Imagine my embarassment when Ann, who was going to do the supermarket shopping that I couldn't carry, stopped by.
Frank and family arrived on schedule after their long drive from Paris. Spent a quiet night in.
18°, sun and light cloud

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