Saturday 5 April 2008

Catching up

People have said to me that they don't know how I find the time to write a blog. Well, as you, my faithful few have realised I've let things slip of late. Even though it's a beautiful day (25°) outside rather than turn my freckles to the sun I thought I'd better fill in a few gaps and bring you up to date.
Today started as most Saturday's do with a trip to the market where pale skinned folk with bright red streaks could be seen enjoying the atmosphere while they bought their saucisson, olives and fruit. Strawberries at 4.50€/2kg. Bought some for lunch -yummy. While I'm on the subject of unseasonality, I have a vase of berry coverd holly and lily-of-the-valley in the house which makes an unusual combination. Traditionally, lily-of-the-valley is given on the 1st of May. Do hope that we don't have a late cold snap as I heard that you're subject to today.
Heard on the news that poor old Philip is in hospital. I do hope that it's not as a result of being close to Carla raising his blood pressure!


  1. Glad your back 'on air' again. I'd assumed you'd gone to Paris for the free Tibet demo. It's strange how the BBC reported that in London, although there were only a few hundred demonstrators, the Olympic torch was successfully carried through the streets and the police behaved very well. Whereas today's BBC news about you awful French putting out the flame and then not be able to continue with the procession shows what a bad lot you are. I assume French t.v. have given an exact opposite report.

  2. French tv showed the demo in all it's various guises - police aggression, protest banners flying and furious Chinese. San Francisco promises to be a rough ride too.
    Where were the "happy games" again?
