Thursday 17 April 2008

Fly the Flag

Pity I was never a Blue Peter fan. What with making posters and now sewing catalan flags I could do with finding a local W.I. for a handicrafts crash course. Someone once did say to me that they could see me as a vicar's wife living in a village and doing good deeds. This St Jordi lark is making that image a little too close for comfort, not that anyone would imagine Christian in the role of vicar though! The morning started with a bit of a jolt when I saw the news report on the Scottish news about an ex colleague having fought to have a certain anti-cancer drug but who had lost the battle with the illness. Only 53. The day ended with an apéritif chez Joëlle and Michel which turned into supper. Another day gone during which incidently we had rain. Haven't yet had the heart to go and see if the posters have survived.

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