Sunday 27 April 2008

Mairie Day

Another early start for a Sunday; this time Christian had official duties to commemorate all those who were deported from France during the 2nd world war. There was a wreath laying ceremony in both villages and both were followed by "un vin d'honneur". As it was fine in the afternoon we spent a little time on the allotment before getting changed to go to a concert as official guests!The programme consisted of pieces composed by Haydn, Mozart and Schubert and played by a string quartet in the church. Afterwards there was......? right first time, un apéritif during which the musicians played something quite different, "Pennies from Heaven". As it was on the way home, Michel, Joëlle, Michelle, Jean-Jacques, Christian and I stopped off at the auberge for something to eat. Thus ended a day well filled.

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