Tuesday 29 April 2008

A bit of this, a bit of that

Monday came in with a drop in temperature and the threat of rain. Cancelled the trip to the allotment and did odds and sods around the house. Had an apéritif with Jean- Jacques and Michelle and then we were invited over to Michel and Joëlle's for another apéritif with their visitors. True to form the discussion continued and we were invited to eat with them. Joëlle always does enough food to feed the 5,000 in the eventuality of extra mouths to feed. Our Scottish friends would say that we "could get a piece at anyone's door!" Just ask if you need a translation.
Today there was a bit of "Blabla" (a report + photo in the local paper about St Jordi and a grant voted by the council), scooping out channels to water the allotment, a seat in the sun with our new Colombian friend Yaneth and her adorable 2 year old Lisa, a council meeting for Christian and a couple of bottles of wine this evening with Lone, a Danish friend .

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