Tuesday 1 April 2008

Poisson Avril

April fish is the French equivalent of April Fool's Day and apparently dates back to when the Pope of the day changed New Year's Day from the 1st of April to the 1st of Jan. "Uninformed" types who continued to celebrate on the first of April had tricks played on them because like April fish they are easily caught. I reckon they weren't that daft as Jan comes before April and they probably celebrated twice! I was with Flo (the founding part of Blabla) at the nursery school and there were one or two folk walking around with fish cellotaped to their backs. No, no not a lump of cod, paper ones! In the evening Linde's American friends came around for an apéro and a look around the house as part of their cultural activities. oh well, what ever turns you on.

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