Wednesday 2 April 2008

On tender hooks

I'd been dreding this day! Won't go into the whole story but it involves the local newspaper not having cancelled an item we'd put in asking children to sign up for a theatre workshop for St Jordi (George)which we want to mark on 23rd April. Old George was a busy sort of fella as he was busy fighting dragon's both in Catalunya and England. Here it's traditional to give a book or a rose so at the moment I'm filling the cave with books for a used book sale. Will go into more detail of the day nearer the time as I need to get back to my moment (Christian will tell you that there were more than one!)of panic. Joëlle and I armed ourselves with a load of sweets for disappointed kids but much to our relief no one turned up.I can't tell you of the weight that lifted from my shoulders - no public humiliation, no comments about p... ups and breweries! A cuppa chez Joëlle and Michel's afterwards turned into an apéro when the American's turned up to see their house.

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