Wednesday 30 April 2008

Another Valley

Funny how different two valleys can look and feel. For once we had lunch out with Ann and Henry where they now live rather than head over the border as usual. An apéritif chez eux to start off with and then a good (for a price of 12.50€)lunch. We were the only people in which gave us chance to catch up with a couple of months or more of news. This small restaurant in the heart of a village is up for sale.... anyone tempted?
In the evening I attended a meeting chez Maggie, the English woman councillor. The aim was to set up an association (club/vol org) which would try and bring the different nationalities together in the village. The name we came up with is "........ sans frontiers". Let's go for broke, I say!
One piece of good news, the THT is to be buried so no pylons to disfigure the landscape. Remains to be seen if the electricity companies or the State (ie,us) will pick up the tab.

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