Monday 21 April 2008

April Showers

For three days now there's been sun in the morning and heavy rain in the afternoon. The creatures of habit that we are meant there was a trip to the market on Saturday morning; there was a meeting at the townhall for Christian in the afternoon and in the evening Philippe treated us to a meal at the auberge. Sunday was a duty day - taking photos at the endurance horse competition (over either 20/40/60/90kms)for Blabla and showing face for the Mairie. Two young women, one of whom rides for the British team, managed the 90kms. Although apparently it was a hard course, there's talk of repeating it next year. In June there's a half day trek and it looks as if I might be roped in to help on the bar. It's that or make sure that the horses walk when they are supposed to, trot when they are supposed to and gallop when they are supposed to. The occasional trek with IT (intermediate treatment)groups doesn't, I feel qualify me for the later.I do have some experience of bars though!
Already versed in the arts of s--t shovelling, today, we moved on to muck spreading ready for the arrival of a man with a rotovator (hopefully) this week. Everday opens up new horizons!

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