Monday 14 April 2008

Hands Up

Have you heard that recent UK research shows that if your index finger is shorter than your ring finger, you're at greater risk of arthritis in the knees and hips? Interesting or what?
Another lunch out to day ~ back to the auberge, this time with Joëlle, Michel an Alain, one of the other councillors. We're thinking of asking for a loyalty card. Apart from that, we've been putting up publicity (painstakingly created with coloured markers on flattened cardboard boxes by yours truly while muttering "why am I spending my time doing this?) and I finally got around to doing a bit of ironing while catching up with "Casualty 1907". Just in case you think that I only watch drama, I have been watching the fabulous documentaries about tigers in India. We might moan about the BBC but it does turn out some good stuff.

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