Sunday 6 April 2008

No Escape

In an effort to get away from politics, blabla, St Jordi and computer frustrations we decided to head 10kms up into the mountains for lunch at an old highwayman's hangout. At just over 700m altitude, I was glad to have a sweater with me. Ah yes, the temperatures of 25° have gone and I'm regretting turning off one of the storage heaters. Still, I digress ... we obviously didn't get far enough away from the village as right behind us were four activists from the village who supported Andre's campaign. We all sat together and between tucking into a good lunch (duck breast for me and lamb for Christian) we talked ...... politics, blabla and St Jordi! We were then invited for coffee by someone who lives in the village and talked .... politics. As Jean and Marie-Lourdes stayed on, no doubt to talk more politics we gave Juste and Josephine a lift home. They invited us in for a cuppa and we talked ... politics, St Jordi and blabla. Best laud plans and all that. Once home we kept off the computer and instead watched "Midsomer Murders" in French. At last something none too taxing.

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