Monday, 24 March 2008

Easter Monday

Bank holidays are the same the world over apparently - it's cold, windy and grey. Still, the decorations on our street bring a bit of Easter cheer. Rather than hunker down by the fire, after lunch we're off to the big city to the cinema. Later: It seemed like a good idea at a time but on arriving at the multiplex, the place was absolutely mobbed so we about-turned and came home for a cuppa and "the Calendar Girls".Even though it's so English, it went down well with our French friends who I think got the idea of what the W.I. is about. Jean-Jacques and Christian thought we might be able to deal with the Mairie's deficit by doing a calendar of the councillors' other halves in the same vein (nb.not the varicose kind)! Michelle and I think they should stick to more traditional methods of revenue collection!
The day didn't finish there. Jean, Françoise and Odette called in at apéritif time followed by Michel and Joëlle who ended up staying for a pot luck dinner.

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