Wednesday 5 March 2008

When I'm 64!

Christian's birthday and no let up from his obligations. Date with the diabetes specialist in the morning. Pleased to say that all is going well and she's reduced his medication again. The wind was blowing ferociously so there was no thought of doing anything other than going off to the restaurant. Perpignan has boasted a Michelin 1* restaurant for the last year so we decided that today was a good day to try it out. Mediterranean decor, attentive but not stifling service and well presented, creative food. As well as à la carte, there was a 50€ menu and lunchtime menu at 17€. Can you imagine that in the UK? We ate well but Christian was left feeling (like most blokes when served nouvelle cuisine) that there was still a wee space to fill. Then it was home for a siesta before he went out canvassing. Apéritif time came and we were invited with seven other friends to Joëlle and Michel's where we drank champagne and tucked into lots of sweet and savoury nibbles. With Macca singing "When I'm 64' in the background Michelle and Jean-Jacques gave Christian the following card:

Bon anniversaire soldat sans spécialité! Christian est ton prénom
Caressant, les femmes te le diront
Héros à ta façon
Railleur nous le déclarons
Irréstible nous le savons
Sentimental c'est évident
Tendre avec me love, nous le voyons
Incorruptible, quelle réputation!
Amical, nous en témoignons
Noble serviteur d'un village catalan

Would bring a tear to a glass eye! Knowing Christian,you can probably work out what it says. After this it was back to business and another meeting while Rowena and I went next door to Phil and Jane's for a glass of wine before heading home to catch up on all our news.

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