Sunday 16 March 2008

Today's the Day!

Another early start for Christian and a "Garden Girls" meeting for me over coffee and cake. While the cat's away and all that. To make up for the 2kg that seem to have piled on in the last two days, I resisted joining Christian et al at the bar for lunch. So now it's just a question of keeping busy until the count starts at 6pm.
.....Bravo à Christian!!! The count was much quicker tonight, finishing around 9.30pm and the result was as we hoped. Christian did even better this week, polling in 4th place; I'm really so pleased for him and would you believe it, someone even voted for me! I've a secret admirer somewhere in Maureillas. The celebrations in the hall went on until about 2am and then a couple of people came back to our place. I had to bail at 4am, Christian came to bed at 7am having fallen asleep over the computer. As they say, 'victory is sweet'.

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