Tuesday, 18 March 2008

The Garden Girls

Our first official photo in the "Jardi dels Angels" where as well as taking photos we examined the trees, inspected the water channel, passed the time of day with a neighbour and imagined that our garden would one day be like his (bottom right). The line up, from left to right, Me, Joëlle (French), Linde (Austrian), Andrée (Belgian), Michelle (Pied Noir). If you look hard enough, you'll see the wings! Still on the subject of digging, this time for oil rather than veg, we went to see "There will be Blood" with Michel and Linde. A pretty grim film about the greed for money and power sought by one character through turn of the century capitalism and another through religion and the interface between the two. The pervading images were bleak and devoid of human warmth. Despite all this, Daniel Day-Lewis merits his oscar and it's a film worth seeing as long as you're not on a downer that is.

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