Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Sock it to 'em!

What a scandal! The presiding officer in one of the electoral areas of Perpignan is in custody after being found with 12 or so voting slips in his socks. The sitting Mayor from the same party as Sarko was re-elected and continues the Alduy family dynasty. From father to son since 1959! In protest against the debâcle, people gather every evening before the town hall, cat calling and waving socks.
On the subject of politicians, apparently, our "beloved" President is having a behaiour make-over since his party's poor showing in the local elections. Texting during high level meetings ( as he did with the Pope and the the Chinese Prime Minister) is out and his love of a "bling" life style is to be toned down. His first test will come when he meets Her Maj. Carla has managed to appear in public dressed discretely (or should I just say, dressed!) so he should be able to make an effort too.
My own pet politician has his first outing this evening for a commemoration of the end of the Algerian war to be followed by a meeting when the various future roles should be made clear.

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