Saturday 15 March 2008

Not Long Now

A week of meetings, discussions in the street, speculation and rumour. Yesterday promised to be the first politics-free day so we thought a trip out across the border for a lunch in the sunshine would do us good. Well you all know about the best laid plans..... 2 new tracts appeared in letterboxes and a strategy meeting was called to decide how to deal with the innuendo and untruths. No time to go too far from the village but the drive up into the mountains was lovely. At the restaurant we ate a copious meal and talked politics with Claude, the owner. In the evening we were invited to Jean and Françoise's for apéritifs where at last politics didn't dominate the conversation. No market this morning as one of the opposition lists held a meeting in the square. There was more debate about why they'd not managed to booked the village hall thanabout policies. Couldn't hear very well but it was fun to see so many people out and about and Jean Louis was more than happy with the extra takings.With little enthusiasm for cooking, we went back to the bar in the evening for dinner. Also dining was a group of 13 young people on a night out so what with that and USAP (congrats to the Welsh, by the way)winning their televised rugby match, it was all quite lively. A bit different from the typical Saturday, get-yourself-legless, night out enjoyed by young Brits. While there we met Jacques, a neighbour and his visitors and ended up going back for what was an apéritif for them and a nightcap for us! Then it was home for an early night.....night, night, yawn, yawn

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