Sunday 23 March 2008

Easter Sunday

This morning Christian and I amazed ourselves by going off to church to listen to the village choir singing at mass. Afterwards there was another rendition of the "Goigs dels Ous" and a sardane. To everyone's surprise, the sardane was danced to the music of the cancan!
I can't think of two dances stylistically farther apart and I bet this was a first for the village. After so much excitement there was nothing else to do but to go to the bar for a coffee. Then there was just enough time to go home and decorate the simnel cake we were taking to Michelle and Jean-Jacques' for lunch. We never had this cake at home but apparently it's traditional at Easter (and on Mothering Sunday) as the 11 marzipan balls which decorate the top represent the Apostles (minus Judas who'd obviously been sacked!)

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