Wednesday 26 March 2008

Ships that pass..

Both very busy today. Christian had a couple of meetings with other councillors, I had a meeting about a small celebration for St Jordi ( St George to you and me), the patron saint of Catalunya, which will be held on 23rd of April. In between Christian went to the dentist and rather more interestingly, I went to the cinema with Joëlle and finally got to see "Les femmes de l'Ombre". I was right about the death and dying, only one of the five women survived. Still, despite mediocre reviews we both thought it was quite good.
On a more glamourous note,our telly like yours has been wall to wall Carla and Nicolas. How the "little fella" must have loved all that pomp and ceremony and wasn't he well behaved? We both loved the photo of everyone's feet. Not to difficult to work out whose was whose!

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