Saturday 8 March 2008

International Women's Day

Even though one day is only a token, I still support the idea of marking International Women's Day and being the day before our municipal elections it seemed even more appropriate. Have a look at the list of when women won the vote in different countries at Some real surprises.
At last the wind has dropped and the sun has come back. Although the market wasn't very busy we met lots of people so made slow progress around.
Met up with Madeline for lunch. Only saw the start of the Scotland v England match. The rendition of "Flower of Scotland" brought a lump to my throat and the result, a smile to my face as the wooden spoon will stay in the drawer! Had dinner at the bar with Philippe and Danielle. There was yet more rugby and USAP won against Paris, so there was much celebration there too. Three meals out in a row...... not a good idea. Will need to be more reasonable this week or all the good work will be undone.

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